Wildfire Vehicles
Wildfire Vehicles
ITURRI is a leader in the bodywork of fire-fighting fire-fighting vehicles. His experience is more than proven over the years. Spain has one of the largest fleets of forest fire trucks in the world.
These are robust vehicles, equipped with all-wheel drive (minimum 4×4), with models in double or single cab, suitable to face adverse working conditions: narrow roads (short axis of rotation and great maneuverability necessary), unstable terrain, strong slopes, rocks and mud, etc.
Due to the work operation, they are vehicles that can work very close to the flame front, which makes the adoption of vehicle self-protection measures very indicated: water curtains, anti-roll bars integrated into the chassis, etc. It must be taken into account that in certain types of forest fires the energy and radiant heat that reaches the vehicles participating in the extinction can be very high.
Forest vehicles for the INFOCA Plan
In May 2020, we delivered 19 forest fire trucks to Junta de Andalucía, Andaklusian Government, to reinforce the fleet of vehicles of the Infoca Plan. This is a multi-year project for which a total of 32 fire fighting vehicles will be supplied by 2022.
Wildfire Vehicles
Light Range
- Patrol and first attack vehicles equipped with tanks with a capacity of up to 600 liters.All-wheel drive pick-up chassis: Land Rover, Isuzu, Mitsubishi, Toyota.
- Suitable for operations involving mixed displacement of paved roads and forest tracks.
Medium Range
- 4×4 vehicles <7,000 kg, with capacity up to 2,000 liters, pump up to 1,000 l / min. at 10 bars with single or double cabin.Very compact and highly mobile vehicle with a high amount of water thanks to the EcoPolyFire bodywork, which allows a greater volume due to its lower weight.
- Equipped with self-protection measures that allow you to work near fire.
Heavy Range
- 4X4 vehicles up to 18,000 kg and 4,000 liters of extinguishing capacity.
- Pump with a flow between 1000 and 1500 liters / minute at 15 bars.
- Single or double cabin, adapted to the ergonomic needs of the crew.
- Suitable for extinguishing situations that require the maximum volume of water.
- Endowments at the request of the client.
Forest Supply Tank
- Tank vehicles with up to 14,000 liters capacity.
- Used to feed fire-fighting vehicles that participate in extinguishing forest fires.
- 4×4, 6×6 and 6×4 traction.